We want to support artists and communities who give a message,  of social or environmental value, we support art that connects people.
There is no theme of the month, we love supporting artists by enhancing their style and message. Every month we create a title that represents the community.
The June print book will be published by June 15th; please send the images by May 15th.

By filling out this form you declare:
I HAVE PERMISSION FROM MY ENTIRE CREATIVE TEAM TO PUBLISH MY IMAGES IN PROMPT MAGAZINE. I understand that I am granting PROMPT Magazine the one-time, free of charge, non-exclusive right to use it in the following ways to publish in print and online to publish it on social media. I consent to indemnify PROMPT Magazine against any claim, demand, action, suit, or other proceedings against PROMPT Magazine arising out of the use of the artwork and related to any false or inaccurate statement. I certify that I am over 18 years of age.

AT LEAST 5 IMAGES ARE REQUIRED, NO MORE THAN 20. PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE IMAGES OF THE SAME THEME, WHICH HAVE A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AND A TITLE, are preferable. ASPECT RATIO OF PAPER MAGAZINE IS 8,5 X 11 INCHES, WE WILL BUILD AN AD HOC LAYOUT BASED ON YOUR ARTS. NO images with watermarks or logos, we will place your credits on each image. All images must have been created with artificial intelligence, we will not accept real photographs.

Submissions are only considered accepted when we respond back on the email confirming the same. Make sure you have permission to publish from all the creatives involved. Credits will be given to Name & Instagram Username of Artist. Make sure the creative credits are correct. Publication does not require any payment/transaction. The supply of a free printed copy is not included. We will provide free digital tearsheets and promote your work on our social media channels whenever possibleEach artist can publish several times within the magazine, there are no precise rules but we generally try not to publish the same artist in consecutive months, to leave space for the many artists who participate.
Thank you, you will receive the submission info mail to send your images and participate in the selection
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